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  1. To see and manage your orders, go to your store manager, click on Orders (1).
  2. To select the Order Status (2), click on;
    1. “Pending” for a list of pending orders. All COD/Swipe orders default to this status.
    2. “Processing” for orders that are being processed
    3. “On Hold” for orders that you placed on hold for one reason or another. All bank transfer orders default to this status.
    4. “Completed” for orders that have been completed
    5. “Refunded” for orders that have been refunded
    6. “Draft” for orders that are in the process of being made and
    7. “Shipped” for orders that were shipped
  3. Vendors can manually add a new order. Click on “Add New” (3) to do so.
  4. Vendors can modify what orders to show (4) by choosing the Date Range, the product ordered, or the payment status of the order.
  5. To view the order click on the Eye Icon (5) or the order number. To mark the order as completed, click on the Check Mark icon.
  6. To export the list of orders (6), click on PRINT, PDF, EXCEL or CSV.

bestelling pedido, pendiente, in behandeling, Procesando, verwerking, en espera, in afwachting, restitueren, reintegrado

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