Can I upgrade my membership?

Yes you can. First cancel your existing membership. (Don’t worry. All your information is safe). Next click on Become a Vendor on the Account information page and choose the membership plan you want. All information will be present. Just click the checkbox to accept the vendor terms and follow the instructions on the screen. Please […]

Can I cancel my Membership?

Yes. You can cancel your membership anytime you want. However, please take note that the partially used membership fee is not refunded. Hence the best time to cancel you membership is at the end of the membership period (every 30 days). To cancel your membership, go to the Store Manager and click on Settings. Next, […]

What is the purpose of Articles?

DushiMart provide vendors the option to post articles related to their products, their stores and issues related to the economy. The intent is for vendors to use these articles to promote their products and services. When a vendor publish an article, their followers receive an email with a link for them to read it. We […]

What kinds of reports can I generate?

By default, when you enter the Store Manager you end up at the Home screen. The first thing  visible at the top of the screen  are the main economic activities for the last seven days. They include gross sales, commissions (is zero because DushiMart by default does not charge a commission), number of items sold […]

What is Analytics used for?

While the Reports tab on the Store Manager provides sales data on your products, Analytics shows the number of views you receive on your store and the origin of the views. It basically provides you with an idea how visitors find your store and your products. An example is the number of clicks on a […]

What is SEO and what is it used for?

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It allows search engines like Google to find and categorize a website. You can read more about the technology HERE. Each vendor can set the SEO for their store so as to increase the search ranking of their store. That way customers are able to find their […]

How do I hide a product from public view?

Use the Archive function under Product Actions. To un-archive a product, click on “Archived Products” to display a list of archived products. Dutch Image             Spanish Image   Next click on Edit to open the product in edit mode. Dutch Image           Spanish Image Next, go to the […]

What are the components of the vendor profile ?

The vendor profile consist of the vendor personal information, their address, social media profiles, their membership and verification status. To access the profile settings, go the the Store Manager and click on the Profile Icon. Dutch Image             Spanish Image Click  Personal to enter all personal information. Dutch Image      […]

How do I access the Store Manager?

If you are a registered vendor, you will have access to the Store Manager. Log into your account. Next click on the “Store Manager” button or on “Store Manager” on the menu to the left of the screen. Dutch Image            Spanish Image gerente de tienda winkel manager

What is Stock Manager and how is it used?

Stock Manger is used to quickly and efficiently manage multiple product as the same time. To use it go to the Store Manager, click on Products and click on the Stock Manager Icon on the top bar. Dutch Image             Spanish Image   The Stock Manager Window opens up. Dutch Image  […]

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