DushiMart Seller Standards Policy

What is the DushMart Seller Standard?

DushiMart Seller Standard (DSS) is a set of guidelines that sellers must follow if they are to receive a high rating. This rating is displayed on the site in the form of “Badges” wherever the seller information is shown. This accomplishes the following:

  • It increases the visibility of the sellers products
  • It fosters trust in the seller among visitors and members of the site
  • It stimulates sellers to be the bests they can be and ultimately
  • It increases the sales and thus success of all parties involved.

How does the rating take place?

Sellers are rated by their customers and DushiMart.

Customers are able to leave seller reviews rated by the following criteria;

  • Online Store Presentation
  • Products quality listings
  • Customer support and
  • Promptness of delivery and/or pickup arrangements


DushiMart will assign Badges to sellers based on customer feedback and other criteria such as;

  • Top sellers
  • Sellers with the largest product listings
  • Sellers with the longest running membership
  • Percent of issues resolved with customers

DushiMart maintains minimum standards that sellers must meet if they are to remain active on the site. However, provided the seller follows the basic guidelines, the chances of a seller loosing their membership is very small.

Seller accounts that have been evaluated below standard for two months or more will be restricted to the lowest membership status. Rectification of identified deemed to be substandard will lead to the reinstatement of the seller status.

Seller accounts will remain active as long as their account is not dormant (non-payment of membership fees) for a period of three months or more. If dormant, their account will be deactivated. The account can be reactivated withing a period of six months provided that the seller renews the membership. Accounts dormant for more than six months will be permanently removed.

In addition to the above, we may take action at any time if we have urgent concerns about your account; for example, if we’ve detected fraud or if your selling practices pose a threat to the buyer experience. The actions we take will be proportional to the nature of the issue we have identified and what is reasonably required to protect the interests of all DushiMart users and DushiMart as provider of the services.

Sellers must provide clear and accurate terms and conditions, and are required to meet the expectations they have set in the listings of their products. These must include:

  • Shipping/Delivery policy, provided this is a service provided by seller. Any shipping service offered by the seller must ensure a reasonably safe and timely delivery.
  • A warranty/returns policy
  • Clearly stated taxes and other government imposed fees. Product pricing must adhere to government policies.

Activity that doesn’t follow DushiMarts policy could result in a range of actions including for example: administratively ending or canceling listings, hiding or demoting all listings from search results, lowering seller rating, buying or selling restrictions, and account suspension. All fees paid or payable in relation to listings or accounts on which we take any action will not be refunded or otherwise credited to your account.

Setting and meeting expectations in a listing’s terms of sale ensures a smooth transaction and buyer satisfaction, while helping DushiMart remain a reputable marketplace.